Title says it all...it is great having this magazine in digital format!
Title says it all...it is great having this magazine in digital format!
Im a owner of a 88 Vette and this magazine is a great resource on the latest in the Vette world.
Print subscribers should be allowed to access this app at no extra charge
Good reference material
Instant crash in iOS 8 even after a reinstall. I hope this gets fixed so I didnt waste my money on this subscription. Not happy at all.
Crashes in IOS 8 all the time, no matter what you do. Tried deleting the app. And reloading, still no good. Please fix it.
Needs an app update for iOS 8. Cannot open an issue of the magazine due to instantly crashing and not allowing re-download of the issue.
Just need to get the year correct as the January and February issue are showing up as 2014 but when opened they clearly show 2015 editions.
Would be nice to list what is in the issue